Global trekking VIP’s with a full plate, may not be able to squeeze in executive travel safety training before flying out on business. Also, one 30 minute presentation cannot cover the innumerable scenarios an employee will face while traveling abroad. Each country has its own wonders and dangers. If training is put off until a real emergency, then VIP’s need intuitive technology with easy-to-access resources.
That is why a strong executive travel safety strategy backed by expert security support is key. Employers need to know how to prepare employees for emergencies; even more so in today’s litigious environment. Yet employees, especially senior executives, may not take security seriously “in advance.”
Employers should also plan for executives who are too busy to review the strategy before a global trip occurs. Whether an employee has taken training for executive travel safety or not, IMG GlobalSecur can send in our trained experts to audit your company’s security policies and even set up trainings for key employees. Even better, the FoneTrac app combined with IMG GlobalSecur offers real-time overseas support 24/7. No training needed, VIP’s only have to access the FoneTrac app on their smartphone!
Daily Intelligence Briefings – Executive Travel Safety and the Real World
IMG GlobalSecur is our proprietary network that can “push” alerts to senior executives to become aware of changes in the security environment. FoneTrac is the “front end” software that runs on their iPhones or Android devices. Peace of mind is what you get as an employer that this all works seamlessly.
Whether it’s an impending monsoon in India or a dangerous political coup in a third world country, our interconnected systems generate up-to-the-minute reports to help executives choose their next move. When quick resources are needed, IMG GlobalSecur connects employees to international security experts 24/7. For instance, if a new virus is burning through the population in South America, the FoneTrac system teamed up with IMG GlobalSecur provides a quick alert and connection to a security experts. Secure medical care, ground transportation and aviation can all be quickly arranged during the call. The VIP can fly out of the country asap if that’s the decision. Real support in real world time.
In summary, busy executives who are focused on their hectic schedule may be stubborn about making time for travel security training and preparations no matter how important these will become in a crisis. If these scenarios sound familiar to you, reach out to us for a consultation on your security needs.