Sometimes we put too much trust in our personal ability to navigate things “on the fly.” For instance, have you ever experienced that moment where your car was lost in a large parking lot? Maybe you just left a concert or sports event to realize the car is not where it should be? You could swear the vehicle was left by marker 2 in the Blue Zone, but is seems to have disappeared. A quick click of the key fob could result in lights flashing over in the Green Zone. Maybe it’s because the signs were misread, or there was a distraction. Luckily it is an easy problem to fix and personal business travel safety doesn’t have to be compromised.
Now take that same scenario and put it in South America. It’s 10 pm and a travelling executive on business has lost their way to the hotel. They could swear the address was right, but this part of town doesn’t appear to be “hospitable” to visitors. Sure, they can try to explain the problem to the cab driver, but it’s already become a security risk. Instead of relying on the VIP’s personal sense of direction, a situation like this can be avoided with some executive travel support from IMG GlobalSecur.
IMG GlobalSecur’s Executive Travel Support Gives VIP’s a Perfect Sense of Direction
Getting lost in a parking lot back home can be frustrating, but it’s usually not a security risk. On the other hand, losing one’s sense of direction in a foreign country could be dangerous. Especially when a travelling executive relies on their own ability to navigate the terrain. They may have been to the hotel before. They may think they gave the cab driver the right instructions. If the streets begin to look unfamiliar, they may try to re-direct the driver to the right spot. In some situations, the local cab driver may know exactly where they are going…and it’s not to the hotel. By the time the VIP begins to realize something is very wrong, it can be too late. If HR has prepared the executive with IMG GlobalSecur’s executive travel training support, this won’t be the scenario.
Depending on the country, IMG GlobalSecur understands the risks to business travelers. In some cities, taking a cab directly from the airport is easy and safe. In other countries, hailing a local taxi driver may not be recommended. To find out which is the best route to take, IMG GlobalSecur executive travel support includes a full audit of the VIP’s itinerary. Even if a travelling executive has been on business in a particular country before, things may have changed. Criminal power groups can shift and change the look of the security landscape. IMG GlobalSecur’s executive travel training can help navigate security plans so a travelling VIP knows exactly which direction to take.