VIPs, otherwise known as Very Important Persons, can be hard to handle. At hotels and airports they get pampered, and they have a tendency to be a bit of a “know it all” – possibly because they actually do know more than the average employee, which is why they are your VIPs.
Often, they are a lot smarter than the average employee which is why they command such respect.
You can make the employee security services of IMG GlobalSecur available to them in exactly the same way that you can make it available to other employees. However, instead of thinking of us as a source of the “best restaurants in Buenos Aires” – which we certainly are – think of us more along the lines of “best hospitals in Buenos Aires” which is what your VIPs might need in a medical emergency, and also consider VIP travel security.
VIPs are Security Threats: Targets for Terrorists or Just Common Criminals
When your VIPs travel abroad it is always possible that they could be a target for terrorists or for people wishing to make a political statement of one sort or another, simply because they are VIP

s, and especially if they represent prominent US corporations. Those sorts of people may pay no attention to your average employee, but may select your VIPs for attention because of their important position in your organization. There are many advantages in rising to the top of the ladder, but there are also disadvantages, and that is one of them.
At IMG GlobalSecur our specialty is worldwide travel security both for employees and for VIPs. We keep our finger on the pulse of what is happening around the world, and perhaps more importantly what may be about to happen. Our specialists in VIP travel security can analyze the current and likely events in whichever countries you are going to visit and keep you informed of developments before you leave and equally while you are there.
Visiting foreign countries is by no means the same thing as taking a cab to a customer’s office 20 miles away. As an example, remember the British girl who visited Egypt taking with her some tablets for her Egyptian boyfriend for his bad back a few months ago, and was promptly arrested and imprisoned because those seemingly innocuous tablets were illegal in Egypt. She had absolutely no idea, but at IMG GlobalSecur we might have pre-advised her. Or there’s the infamous case when Kim Karadashian was attacked in Paris by prankster Vitalli Sediuk. High profile individuals such as VIPs incur special security vulnerabilities.
Whether you need VIP travel security, or security for employees, it is much the same. As the old saying goes, we are all the same under the skin, and VIPs and ordinary employees can all suffer exactly the same sort of problems. It is just a fact that VIPs can be in a worse position because they may be a target when employees are not. Talk to us about your requirements for safe foreign travel and you will be astonished at what we can do.
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