VIP’s can get weary of being fussed over. Their staff and supporters may want them to be happy and go out of the way to ensure all an executive’s comforts are met. Booking first-class seats and five-star hotels for senior managers travelling overseas on business can be common. [Read more…] about IMG GlobalSecur Executive Travel Monitoring Treats Your VIP like a Boss, Baby!
Executive Travel Monitoring
Sometimes we put too much trust in our personal ability to navigate things “on the fly.” For instance, have you ever experienced that moment where your car was lost in a large parking lot? [Read more…] about Executive Travel Safety: Fine Tune your Personal GPS with IMG GlobalSecur
We work with many business, corporate, and executive-level travelers as well as their HR departments (or whoever in the company is responsible for coordinating international travel, including international travel security). Here’s a question that we encounter frequently: isn’t it “safer” to travel to a city in a developed country like the United Kingdom or Germany vs. a city in a developing country like Mexico, Saudi Arabia, or China? [Read more…] about International Business Travelers and Security: Different Countries, Different Risks?
There’s an old saying about Mexico that says, “So far from God and so close to the United States.” Like many of these old sayings, there’s a lot that goes into that that can spark an interesting conversation between a citizen of Mexico and a citizen of the United States, or especially for anyone who lives close to the border or anyone who has friends and family of either Mexican or American dissent. Needless to say, the relationship between Mexico and the United States has not always been easy but it has always been close. [Read more…] about Employee Monitoring Service for Cross-Border Travel to/from Mexico & USA
At work or at life in general, some people need more attention than others. They mean well, but their constant interruptions can throw off a work day. It could be a friend texting about the weekend. Want to go out for Italian food? Which restaurant should we go to? Do you want to go out to a movie afterwards? It can be an unending string of questions interrupting a busy executive’s train of thought. Another annoyance is co-workers constantly seeking counsel. [Read more…] about The Executive Travel Monitoring Device that Gets Your Attention